Mandatory Sessions
There are some mandatory events for all Freshmores to attend.
These events are also shaded in pink on the calendar.
Session Name | Location | Date and Time |
Academic Matters Briefing | Check Emails for Updates! | Monday, 14 September 2020, 1400-1730hrs |
SUTD Brand Briefing | Zoom Meeting | Tuesday, 15 September 2020, 1400-1430hrs (Be Present by 1355hrs) |
Hostel Briefing | Microsoft Stream | Tuesday, 15 September 2020, 2000-2100hrs |
Hostel Floor Supper | Microsoft Teams Meeting (Respective Hostel Rooms) | Tuesday, 15 September 2020, 2100-2200hrs |
English Writing Entrance Test (EWET) - Designated Students Only | Check Emails for Updates! | Friday, 18 September 2020, 1500-1630hrs |
PPP Briefing | Check Emails for Updates! | Wednesday, 23 September 2020 |
PPP Briefing | Check Emails for Updates! | Friday, 25 September 2020 |
ASD Pillar Introduction
Organised by ASD
- Date: Thursday, 17 September 2020
- Time: 2:00pm to 4:00pm
- Microsoft Stream: Watch the livestream here!
EPD Pillar Introduction
Organised by EPD
- Date: Thursday, 17 September 2020
- Time: 2:00pm to 4:00pm
- Microsoft Stream: Watch the livestream here!
ESD Pillar Introduction
Organised by ESD
- Date: Thursday, 17 September 2020
- Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
- Venue: Zoom Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
ISTD Pillar Introduction
Organised by ISTD
- Date: Thursday, 17 September 2020
- Time: 2:00pm to 4:00pm
- Microsoft Stream: Watch the livestream here!
Arts & Culture Cluster
Introductory Session to Chinese Orchestra
Organised by Chinese Orchestra
To give a brief introduction to our Chinese Orchestra's background and different sections in the orchestra. Q&A session is available.
No pre-requisite knowledge required. All are welcome regardless of experience. We just need your passion for music :-)
Participants will learn more about:
- Background and Achievements of SUTDCO
- Structure of a Chinese Orchestra & Basics of various Chinese instruments
- Activities to look forward to in SUTDCO
- Date: Monday, 21 September 2020
- Time: 7:30pm to 8:30pm
- Venue: Zoom Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Dance DerivativeZ Info Sesh x Freshie Trials
Organised by Dance DerivativeZ
Want to learn more about DDZ? Ever wanted to dance but didn't have the opportunity to try it out? Come down (on Zoom) for DDZ's trial sessions and learn if this is the fifth row for you! 👍
Our trial sessions will encompass an info session, where you get to learn more about the club culture, get to know some of us, find out what we've done as a club and ask any questions, and a beginner-friendly dance segment where you get to experience what our sessions are like!
DDZ has a no-auditions policy, so if you always wanted to dance or thought dance was cool, come down, join us and have fun with us :) See you there! 💃🕺
- Dates: 16, 25 & 30 September 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm (16 September 2020) and 7:30pm to 10:00pm (25 & 30 September 2020)
- Venue: Zoom Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
- Telegram Group:
- Instagram:
- YouTube:
FUNKtion Intro!
Organised by FUNKtion
Come join us to find out more about locking and popping in funkstyle! You will be able to try out a few dance moves and find out what exactly is funkstyle!
Participants will be able to learn and try out basic locking and popping moves. They will find out more about funkstyle culture in Singapore.
Participants are not required to have any prior dance experience. Just come with an open mind!
- Dates: 21, 24, 28 September 2020 and 1 October 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 10:00pm
- Venue: Dance Studios 3 & 4
MVMC Online Information Session and Workshop
Organised by Modern Visual Media Circle
MVMC Information Session and Basic Drawing Workshop.
To brief the Freshmores regarding the club’s activities and to teach them regarding basic drawing techniques.
- Date: Friday, 18 September 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 8:45pm
- Venue: Online
SUTD PhotogCircle Intro & Sharing Session
Organised by SUTD Photography Circle
Whether you are a complete beginner or a Nat-Geo level photographer, SUTD PhotogCircle might just be the place for you! Come join us on MS Teams to find out more in this short sharing session!
Short information sharing session on PhotogCircle, followed by a mini sharing session among participants on photography and recruitment drive.
- Date: Tuesday, 22 September 2020
- Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm
- Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Scratching the Surface 🎧
Organised by SUTD Scratch!
An introductory session to SUTD Scratch, home to aspiring DJs in SUTD.
Participants will:
- Be introduced to SUTD Scratch! and what we offer
- Get to know the basics of mixing
- Understand the different DJ equipment used in the industry
- Learn the art of DJ-ing
- Meet fellow batchmates who share the same interest
- Have fun :)
- Date: Monday, 21 September 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
- Venue: Twitch
Light Up Your Life with SUTDio!
Organised by SUTDio
Handmade animal lanterns; Easy and Fun to make! For all to bring back a mini night light for their hostel desks!
Animal Lanterns will be aimed for freshmores to have a taste of SUTDio craft sessions by offering them an easy and fun activity where they can go back with self-designed paper lanterns that also act as animal patterned night lights. At the same time, it is also a chance for SUTDio to welcome the freshmores with a small tool pack that will come handy during their time in SUTD.
- Dates: 17 September 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 9:00pm
- Venue: Zoom or Microsoft Teams
Specialist Cluster
SUTD Civil Defence Lionhearters Introductory Session
Organised by SUTD Civil Defence Lionhearters' Club
If you have passion for the community, come join us and find out the things we do! :D
Participants will learn about who we are, what we do and hopefully they will be inspired to join us in future sessions.
No prior knowledge required! Everyone is welcome to join.
- Date: Friday, 18 September 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 8:30pm
- Venue: Zoom Meeting
Introductory Design Odyssey Workshops
Organised by Design Odyssey
Participants will learn more about Design Odyssey’s DRIVE programme, and the opportunities available to them to Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver their self-initiated Social Innovations from Ideation to Business Pitching.
There will also be sharing by Past Participants and their startup success!
- First session includes a Design Innovation exercise, where students will learn design innovation and technical skills that are highly in-demand by the workforce.
- Second session includes Business Model exercise, where students will learn how to leverage on the Business model canvas as a strategic and management tool to describe, design and pivot a business!
- Third session includes Ideation exercise, where students will learn about Ideation Mindset, Methods and Down Selection Tools!
- Dates: 18, 30 September 2020 and 2 October 2020
- Time: 2:00pm to 5:00pm
- Venue: Zoom Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
EV Club Introductory Session
Organised by Electric Vehicle Club
An informative session to introduce EV Club to SUTD community (mainly Freshmores for recruitment) via Microsoft Teams.
This Microsoft Teams session will consist of an introduction to our club, what we do, and what they can expect if they join us. We will also make use of this time to present them the club’s roadmap.
- Date: Wednesday, 23 September 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 9:00pm
- Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Greenprint Introductory Sessions 2020
Organised by Greenprint
Hi Freshmen! Are you passionate about the environment or want to know more? Look no further! SUTD Greenprint is the school’s environmental club. If you are looking for a group of people to discuss or work on environmental projects, then Greenprint is for you. Even if you’re just looking to meet new people, no worries as Greenprint welcomes all.
To introduce incoming freshmen to SUTD Greenprint and serve as a recruitment drive for potential members or just make friends.
- Dates: 14 & 21 September 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 9:30pm
- Venue: Think Tank 16
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Workshop for Beginners
Organised by IEEE SUTD Student Branch
What is Natural Language Processing? What are chatbots? Come and join SUTD IEEE in exploring and building a basic architecture with NLP.
To teach the incoming freshmen (Class of 2024) NLP and the links to their Term 1 Module: Computational Thinking for Design.
- Date: Wednesday, 16 September 2020
- Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm
- Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
IEEE Industry Talk
Organised by IEEE SUTD Student Branch
Mr. Govind Kumar, Founder of SeaPort AI, will educate students on recent trends in analytics and how to become a full stack data scientist.
Mr. Kumar will focus on providing more clarity in the following areas:
- What is a full stack view? Why is it important to get a full stack view of data science?
- Recent trends in data analytics.
- Challenges encountered by data scientists and how to overcome them.
- Date: Friday, 25 September 2020
- Time: 4:00pm to 6:00pm
- Venue: Zoom Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
IES Intro & Sharing Session
Organised by IES Student Chapter @ SUTD
If you are a career-driven individual who would like to enhance your skills by actively participating in workshops and working on interesting projects outside your coursework, come join us on MS Teams to find out more in this short sharing session!
Short information sharing session on the IES Student Chapter as well as the parent organization, followed by the mini sharing session among the participants.
- Date: Wednesday, 30 September 2020
- Time: 7:30pm to 8:00pm
- Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Make Space for Makerspace!
Organised by SUTD Makerspace
Create a personalised light stand to display on your desk in the comfort of your humble abode at hostel! Get a taste of working with acrylic, wood and LEDs which you will be working very much with during your years at SUTD!
- Participants will be getting to work with acrylic, wood, sharps, and some electronics to assemble their own light stand.
- Participants do not need any prerequisite knowledge, and just need to be careful during this activity as they will be manually "laser-cutting" their acrylic pieces using a sharp object.
- Participants will be learning how to assemble products from its raw materials and will be given the opportunity to harness their creativity to let their designs shine (both literally and metaphorically)!
- Date: Wednesday, 23 September 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
- Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
- Introductory Kit Collection Timings: Monday, 21 September 2020 (1:30pm to 3:30pm) and Tuesday, 22 September 2020 (9:00am to 11:00am)
Mindsports Online Intro Event
Organised by Mindsports
Play boardgames with your friends or make new ones and talk about game development.
Promote bonding among participants.
Participants join Discord and filter into different Virtual Game rooms/voice channels.
- Date: Tuesday, 22 September 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
- Venue: Discord
Get to Know SUTD Rotaract!
Organised by SUTD Rotaract Club
Have a passion for community service? Want to use your talents and skills to make a difference? Get to know what SUTD Rotaract has in store for you during this Introductory Session!
SUTD Rotaract Club focuses on our service to the community, the professional development of our Rotaractors and forging strong bonds amongst fellow Rotaractors.
You will get to learn more about the volunteering and leadership opportunities that Rotaract Club offers. From overseas CIP projects to STEM workshops for underprivileged children, hear from your seniors on what they have gained through their experience in SUTD Rotaract.
Everyone is welcome to this Introductory Session! Join us to find out how we can change the community together!
- Date: Thursday, 24 September 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 9:00pm
- Venue: Zoom Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Introduction to Arduino
Organised by SOAR
Participants learn how to program the Arduino and use certain electronic components.
To familiarize interested participants in the utilization of microcontrollers such as an Arduino, while teaching programming logic processes in C++. Participants will also learn how to use certain electronic components like resistors and transistors.
- Dates: 17, 24 September 2020 and 1 October 2020
- Time: 7:30pm to 9:45pm
- Venue: Online
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Uni-Y Welcome Tea
Organised by Uni-Y SUTD
Introduce freshmen to the activities in our fifth-row and recruit new volunteers.
Participants will learn more about volunteering opportunities that Uni-Y has to offer and Uni-Y's membership details.
No prerequisites are required!
- Date: Friday, 18 September 2020
- Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm
- Venue: Zoom Meeting
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Sports Cluster
Basketball Introductory 2v2 Tournament
Organised by SUTD Basketball Club
The basketball club will be hosting an introductory 2v2 tournament for the freshies to garner their interest for the club. This time will also be used to answer any queries that they may have about the club and at the same time have fun while enjoying the sport of basketball with their peers.
- Freshmore students to discover more about the Basketball Club and the sport itself.
- A fun game of basketball during the evening to take their mind off school.
- Freshmores who join this session will be able to interact and socialise more with their schoolmates and learn more about the meaning of teamwork.
- Dates: 21 September 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 10:00pm
- Venue: Indoor Sports Hall 1
Freshies Intro to Rock Climbing
Organised by SUTD Climbers
Freshies enjoy a free guided climbing session at the school's boulder wall (only mask and sports attire needed!) You can expect to not only learn more about the sport, but also take home basic climbing techniques you can use in other bouldering gyms.
The sessions are designed for complete beginners, so no knowledge of climbing is required.
- The uniqueness of climbing as a sport and why members of the club keep doing it.
- Learning climbing safety, basic techniques and general climbing rules. All of which can be applied in any climbing gym!
- The key benefits of joining our club such as coached training as well as cheaper rates in gyms outside.
- Climbing is a full contact sport. Participants must be able to handle the physical demands of the sport.
- Minimal fear of height as boulding involves jumping from a height onto cushions. Participants will be briefed on how to do so safely.
- A strict adherence to the safety rules stated during the session and ability to make sensible decisions to ensure their own safety.
- Willingness to step out of their comfort zone and be adventurous
- climbing techniques
- problem solving
- overcoming fear
- climbing safety
- community/team
- pushing your limits
- more than just arm strength
- the next big sport
- Dates: 16, 17, 23 & 24 September 2020
- Time: 7:00pm to 9:30pm
- Venue: Inter-Sports Hall 2
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Football Introductory Session
Organised by SUTD Football EXCO
Recruitment for SUTD Men's, Women's & Recreational Team!
Ever wanted to play for SUTD in our annual University Games? Or try out Football as a recreational sport? Come down to our Introductory Session to find out more about our Fifth Row!
- Participants will learn about Football as a Fifth Row (i.e. Training Dates, Events, etc.)
- Participants will try their feet at Football as a game.
- NO prior experience with Football required!
- PT attire and covered shoes/boots required.
- Dates: 17 & 22 September 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 10:00pm
- Venue: SUTD Football Field
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
SUTD Judo Online Sessions
Organised by SUTD Judo
Come join the SUTD Judo team for an online get-together! Ask questions, learn more about judo as a sport and as a Fifth Row!
What to expect:
- Sharing session, Judo videos, general Q&A, games.
- Fun! Learning more about Judo! A new Fifth Row!
- Dates: 19 & 20 September 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 10:00pm
- Venue: Discord
Karate Introduction Workshop
Organised by SUTD Karate Club
An introductory workshop for Freshmores to try out karate and to increase awareness and equip participants with basic knowledge and basic moves of karate.
To promote karate as a sport and its culture, provide an opportunity for students, especially the Freshmores, and staff to enjoy martial arts and attract like-minded people to join our community.
- Dates: 22 & 29 September 2020
- Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm
- Venue: Dance Studios 6 & 7
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Mountaineering Info Session
Organised by SUTD Mountaineering
Info session for freshies to learn about Mountaineering Club's schedule and plans.
We will be sharing our experiences going on the multiple trips we have organised over the years to show the freshies what is in store for them if they were to join us.
We will also elaborate on the educational and recreational workshops (e.g. layering workshop and paracord workshop) that we hold, as well as our membership requirements.
Participants will require no previous knowledge or skillset.
- Date: Tuesday, 22 September 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 9:00pm
- Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Introductory Training for Systema (Russian Martial Arts)
Organised by Systema SUTD
Seen our video? Interested to find out more and experience our training? Then come on down for this training! We will be touching mostly on basic drills and simple exercises to get the body moving and for you to first understand the intentions behind our training. This is also an opportunity for you to interact with us and our instructor, Lau Wen Hsin (an alumni of SUTD and owner of SG Systema), and ask as many questions as you like!
Wen Hsin is the owner and instructor of SG Systema. He had been to Russia multiple times to train with Daniil Ryabko, son of the founder of Systema - Mikhail Ryabko, where he attained the instructor certification. He has also conducted many workshops under Systema SG with internationally known guest instructors such as Adam and Brandon Zettler, Vladimier Zaikovsky, Roy Onishi and more. He is an alumni of SUTD.
Participants will learn more about what Systema is and how we train. Learn the relation between breathing and movements. Understand the body’s alignment. Practice self/situational awareness.
- Date: Friday, 25 September 2020
- Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm
- Venue: SUTD Track
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
SUTKD Introductory Session
Organised by SUTKD (Taekwondo)
Have you heard of but never experienced Taekwondo? Come have your first experience with us as we go through some basic ideas of self-defence through Taekwondo and the basic intentions behind Taekwondo!
- Workshop participants will learn some basic principles behind self-defence, the intention of Taekwondo, and potentially a few basic self-defence techniques.
- No prior experience required, but anyone is welcome.
- To train a better sense of how the body moves and can be leveraged.
- Dates: 18 & 23 September 2020
- Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
- Venue: Dance Studio 7
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Tchoukball Introductory Sessions
Organised by Tchoukball
Hi Freshmen! Are you looking to join a Fifth Row with a tight-knit community and pick up an interesting new sport at the same time? Look no further! Join SUTD Tchoukball at our introductory sessions to learn more about Tchoukball and make new friends at the same time! No prior experience is needed!
To introduce incoming freshmen to SUTD Tchoukball as well as Tchoukball as a sport, and serve as a recruitment drive for potential members.
- Dates: 17, 22, 24 & 29 September 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 9:30pm
- Venue: Indoor Sports Hall 1
Organised by DiscoverSUTD

Food warms the cockles of our hearts.
What better way to get to know your seniors and what they’ve done in SUTD than over delicious bento boxes? Happening from 16/9 to 1/10, bring your burning questions, hungry stomachs and your friends in groups of 2-5 from your OG small groups to have supper with SUTD seniors!
Sign up to secure a slot on a first come first served basis! Pre-registration forms for supper on each night can be found in the QR code on the supper posters, and they will close the day before. Confirmation emails will be sent, so do look out for them!
Do note that Freshies who turn up on the day itself without pre-registering will not be admitted due to COVID-19 SUTD supper regulations.
On each day, there will be one vegan and one non-vegan food item.
- Dates: 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29 September 2020 and 1 October 2020
- Time: 8:00pm to 9:00pm (First Session) and 9:15pm to 10:15pm (Second Session)
- Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall 1 & 2
- Participants' Sign-Up Form: Sign up here!
Human Library
Organised by DiscoverSUTD
Come Forth and DiscoverPeople
Human Library is a place where real people ("books") are on loan to readers (you!).
Here, you can meet your seniors and faculty, and ask them about their experiences in and
outside of SUTD. Take a look at who will be there!
- Date: Wednesday, 16 September 2020
- Time: 2:00pm to 4:00pm
- Venue: Discord (Verification Code Required)
- Booklist: Book Bios
SHARP Honours Sessions Briefing
Organised by SHARP Programme Committee
SHARP Honours Sessions are advanced classes offered to SHARP students and selected other students on top of the regular Freshmore subjects. These classes fulfil the purpose of deepening and broadening the students’ knowledge, so as to prepare them better to be researchers.
In Term 1, students will work on computational statistics, nonlinear systems and chaos in the first 6 weeks. Afterwards they are required to work on research projects in the next 6 weeks!
In this briefing, students will learn about how to enrol in the SHARP Honours Sessions, what are the requirements, and what they can expect in terms of load, difficulty and outcome from the sessions.
- Date: Tuesday, 15 September 2020
- Time: 2:30pm to 3:00pm
- Zoom Meeting URL:
- Zoom Meeting ID: 946 4898 2432
- Zoom Meeting Password: sharp123!
Freshmore Asian Cross-curricular Trips (FACT) Info Session
Organised by Office of International Relations
The FACT programme is a new initiative launched by SUTD to increase regional exposure in SUTD students as early as in their first year. These 1-week short immersion trips are linked to specific learning outcomes of relevant Freshmore courses and are hosted by our partner universities in the region, including ASEAN and China.
In this info session, we will share more about FACT programme in detail. Your seniors, who have participated in previous trips, will share about their experiences and why you should not miss out on FACT.
Psst! Do you know that there’s a one-time travel subsidy available for all selected FACT participants?
- Telegram:
- Website:
- Instagram:
- YouTube:
- Student Blog:
- Date: Wednesday, 30 September 2020
- Time: 5:30pm to 6:30pm
- Microsoft Stream: Watch the livestream here!