
Overall Contribution Workflow

  1. Submit a proposal through Github Issues on our master repository
  2. We will reply to your issue and review it.
  3. Once it is reviewed and cleared, we will notify you.

Please do note that the planning team is small and we ask for your patience. It will take time to clear sesssions with the staff but rest assured we receive all proposals.

I would like to hold a session

If you’re a Fifth Row leader, a Senior or alumni and would like to hold a workshop for Freshmores.

  1. Go to our issue templates
  2. Click on “Get started” under Session Proposal
  3. Please provide us the details of your session. We would like to emphasise that we would like you to italicise the specific skills/takeaways from your session.

For examples of other workshops that are pretty good, take a look at the recent Deep Learning Workshop.

Also take a look at what other Fifth Rows are planning.

I would like to be a part of the team

For visual branding: We’ve requested for a budget! Since we’re a design school, our efforts need to not just be conceptually sound but aesthetically pleasing. To alleviate the work, possibly looking at seeking freelancers to prepare material.

  1. assist session organisers to maintain a consistent visual brand throughout the event
  2. produce graphics for curated tracks and programs

I would like to make a suggestion

  1. Go to our issue templates
  2. Click on “Get started” under Feedback for OrgComm
  3. Let us know how we can do better!

I would like to speak for Lightning talks

So what’s a lightning talk? Lightning talks are designed to be short presentations between five and ten minutes long, but are usually capped at five minutes

  1. Go to our issue templates
  2. Click on “Get started” under Lightning Talk Proposal
  3. Let us know your Session Title, a short Abstract, who you are, what participants should take away from your session and if you need any special logistics