+ DiscoverSUTD 2021

Hello There.

Welcome to

DiscoverSUTD is an annual event taking
place from 13 September to 30 September 2021

Welcome to the one-stop place for everything
that is here!

Go to our calendar Learn more about pillars

A compilation of all the
resources you'll need as a student

DiscoverSUTD updates

Dear Class of 2025,

The team hopes that you have been having a whale of time in your first three weeks in SUTD. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the physical events planned had to be postponed. We hope that you have been learning more about SUTD. If there are any concerns that you would like to let us know, you can email us here. Do check your emails for any updates as our calendar does not include the postponed events. We apologise for the disappointment caused.

Take care and have a great week ahead.


DiscoverSUTD 2021 Team   

Event Calendar

Whether the following events will be held is subjected if Safe Management Measures prevails
For Notion lovers, you can view the calendar HERE or save a copy on your Google calendar HERE ! ❤


DiscoverPillars is where freshmores will have their first exposure to what the various pillars of SUTD offers. Pillars are a key part of the SUTD curriculum where one finds their passion and delves deep into their areas of interest. Don’t miss out on this chance to hear from the people who designed the pillar curriculums and clarify any pressing questions you might have.         

Date and time: 28/9, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Date and time: 21/9/2021, 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Date and time: 29/9/2021, 3:00pm - 4:00pm